Denmark & Cameroon JEWELRY - World Cup Month!

Another pair of contrasting countries! Both with beautiful jewelry.
Otra pareja de países contrastantes! ambos con hermosa joyería.

Denmark: Alidra Alić

I absolutely fell in love with these rings. It's almost magical how ordinary materials like plastic, sterling and quartz can be modeled into dreams! Watching these pieces is like being immersed in a fairytale world full of capricious and sensual shapes, where boundaries of reality are blurry and dissolving.
Estoy totalmente enamorada de estos anillos. Es mágico como materiales ordinarios como el plástico, la plata y el cuarzo son convertidos en sueños, ver estas piezas es como sentirse inmerso en un cuento de hadas lleno de formas caprichosas y sensuales, donde los límites de la realidad se vuelven borrosos.

All these pictures are from Alindra's "Alice in Wonderland" collection, don't miss her website for watching all her creations. You also may visit her shop and indulge yourself with one of her jewels.
Estas imagenes son de la colección "Alice in Wonderland", no te pierdas de ver todas las creaciones de Alidra en su website. Y si quieres consertirte con una de estas joyas visita su tienda.

For this country I didn't find a contemporary designer, but pieces from tribes from Cameroon that are a color explosion!
Para este país no encontré un diseñador contemporáneo, pero piezas de tribus de Camerún que son una explosión de color!.

These cache-sexes (from french "hide the sex") are made by Kirdi people from the North of Cameroon. 
These garments made of glass beads, shells and thread are worn to protect a woman's sex organs against evil. The beads indicate wealth, social status, role in the community and artistic taste. Color, pattern, and context all dictate how the bead is used, worn, and read.
You can find more pics the Sidewalk Tribal Flickr Gallery or visit their website and grab one of these pieces for your jewelry collection.
Estos cache-sexes (del francés "esconder el sexo") son fabricados por gente de la tribu Kirdi del Norte de Camerún.
Estas prendas hechas con cuentas de vidrio, caracoles, e hilo son usadas para cubrir los genirales y como protección mágica.
Las cuentas indican la posición económica, social, el rol en la comunidad y el gusto artístico. Los colores, patrones y el contexto dictamina como las cuentas se usan, se visten y puede ser leído su significado.

* Information from:


  1. These rings by Alidra Alić are breathtaking. Incredibly creative

  2. I love that Alice in Wonderland collection, just beautiful. Thanks for your comments on my blog. Glad to discover your jewellrey - I think the stone faceting range. is my favourite.

  3. I'm really enjoying your world cup series - you've featured some beautiful pieces.

  4. I love, love the rings by alidra alic! Their website is dreamy and I kinda want to live in their magical world. Thanks for sharing these.


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