My Little Workshop

This 5x5 feet space is "officially" my workshop, where the magic takes place! (and some times the desperation).
Este espacio de 1.5 x 1.5m es "oficialmente" mi estudio, donde ocurre la magia!! (y a veces la desesperación).

In these pics I just tidied it up, but in practice the whole apartment is my workshop, my hubby has to skip and jump through tools, drawings, boxes, brushes, and jewelry to get just about anywhere in the house. I don't think space is the problem though; the bigger the space, the more stuff I'll get to fill it up hahaha :S
En estas fotos todo está recién ordenado, pero en la práctica todo el departamento es mi estudio, mi marido tiene que estar saltando y moviendo recipientes, dibujos, cajas, pinceles, joyas, para hacerse lugar, igual no creo que sea un problema de espacio, mientras más espacio tenga disponible, más cosas conseguiré para llenarlo hasta el último rincón :S

I'm kinda nostalgic because we'll be moving in some weeks, which means that I'll have to find a new space for creating my jewelry, and my beloved bench will have a new owner! 
Meanwhile, I wanted to share these pics from what's been my first workshop ever with you :)
Ando algo nostalgica porque pronto nos mudaremos, asi que tendré que buscar un nuevo lugarcito para crear mis cosas! Y mi querido banco tendrá un nuevo dueño, pero mientras tanto quería compartir contigo las fotos de mi primer tallercito :)


  1. Such a cute space. It looks like the exact same size as mine and yes it's hard to keep it all contained in that tiny space. Sorry you have to loose that bench, they become so personal.

  2. I'm sorry you have to lose the bench, too! You are very organized, my bench is never that tidy, no matter how many times I clean it.

  3. Such a cozy warm feeling workspace you have Lorena! I like your description 'Where the magic takes place!' :) wonderful!!
    I'm sure you're going to have just as fantastic workshop in your next place! Have an easy move!!

  4. I love seeing creative space photos, it's like getting a look behind the scenes at the magician's place-
    your desk is lovely, and the space looks wonderful!

  5. Lore,que lindo lugarcito armaste en tu casa!!, me gusta mucho el encanto que le pones a las cosas, la estética que tenés, la pasión por aprender y la dedicación para ser cada día mas precisa en tu trabajo. Te felicito compañera y amiga!! Quiero que sepas que te acompaño en este momento de transición!

  6. Olá,

    É um espaço agradável, com um óbvio toque feminino.
    Quase que apostava que compraste aquela roda das cores e que raramente a usas :-)



  7. This is such a sweet space! It's really inspiring to see what you create from your corner of the world. I enjoy your work!

    All the best,

    Rachel Morgan.

  8. cute little work space, you keep it nice and tidy :)

  9. Thank you so much everybody for your kind comments :)
    Sorry I am answering til now!
    Right now I'm in a new provisional and smaller space, but you gotta work wherever you are, right? :P

  10. Lovely workspace! I love the flower knob!

  11. your creative spot is wonderful and im sure your new one will be even wonderful-er. it is great you captured these. :)
    peace & love.


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